We believe that our expertise in AR combined with your industry knowledge would enable us to develop innovative solutions that fully meet your needs.
*Services provided by DEVAR within MyWebAR Enterprise Plan.
a) select a product line;
b) set goals;
c) write a scenario of AR experiences.*
Create a concept for your AR-enabled products:
Add AR with MyWebAR.*
Add your products to the DEVAR marketplace with the help of our MyWebAR client manager.
Advertise your goods, reach global audience.
Your Personal Manager
Anastasia Ly
Business Development Director

Phygital company DEVAR unites worlds! You no longer have to choose between the physical and digital worlds, because it's easy to create a convenient mix of one and the other. DEVAR has developed a convenient and simple MyWebAR platform, where you can manage augmented reality even without special knowledge. The new era has already arrived, are you with us?
Contact Us
Phygital company DEVAR unites worlds! You no longer have to choose between the physical and digital worlds, because it's easy to create a convenient mix of one and the other. DEVAR has developed a convenient and simple MyWebAR platform, where you can manage augmented reality even without special knowledge. The new era has already arrived, are you with us?
Contact Us